[tabby title="Poem"] You are not mine,I am not yours,little fleaon a rat’s groin. And still,I miss you morethan a severe boutof gout. Without you, lifefindeth meaning, and my heartmaketh room for small, good things. O humgruffin, to be freeof your...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] rustlesuffocatewhite sheetsin a dark roomthe moth under the shade is ragingaloneI can’t be here without you Miles Daviscuddles with jazz lonelinessmothsSylvia Platheverything [tabby title="Poet Bio"] I'm a poet, writer and occupational therapist. My poems have been published...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] the world outside is too big the space overwhelms in the chaos of voices and images I’m searching for myself I’m wandering in big cities people are going nowhere breaking the mirrors of their little fears I’m...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] wings of Africa passing the bars of the past the flight to freedom [tabby title="Poet Bio"]Anna Banasiak is a poet and literary critic [tabbyending]
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] If I could sing, wrapped in a scarf of melody, I would create a serenade describing you, words woven with love would crumble your heart, inner calm. I am so close to you, but I cannot express...