War for the Poppy Fields by Francis Conlon

[tabby title="Poem"] The poppy certainly has a rap,For the drugs like opium,And, history has it on the map,Of tales told from a podium. Small competition from growing grain,For those living close to poverty.Can the wheat crop truly life sustain,Or, is...

The Stage is a World by Francis Conlon

[tabby title="Poem"] The world’s a stage, said the Bard,With words and powers to bring tears,But, now the stage’s the world, and a die-hard,Truth’s strong enough to block out fears. The glamour is tall and very thin,Its substance a matter of...

Clipped Wings Villanelle by Francis Conlon

[tabby title="Poem"] How grand the crafts with silver wings,But stripped down to skeletal remains.Now gone the dreams of flying kings. Old dreams once were where the designer sings,The product of such creative brains.How grand the crafts with silver wings. The...

Seasons Change by Francis Conlon

[tabby title="Poem"] Comes the changing of the season,I’m glad to see a new nature’s plan,Planetary orbits are part of the reason,Copernicus helped us understand. Soon new heavenly lights will glow,Wise men follow a mysterious star,A revelation, a miracle, an ethereal...

Missing the Moment Villanelle by Francis Conlon

[tabby title="Poem"] Am I unsure, missing this time?Something vital might come my way.Is this experience called sublime? A journey, life’s river, a nature divine?Shadowy thoughts are kept at bay.Am I unsure, missing this time? The clock tells with a predawn...