Announcing our new Logo. (Peep my aesthetics!)

In celebration of 10 years of online, we are proud to announce the launch of our new logo. This forms part of the new evolutionary journey is embarking on, that will see a steady roll-out of changes across...

Slam with Your Mother Tongue at Open Book Poetica

After stelar ticket sales in 2013, the Open Book Poetry Slam returns for the second time. It is part of the Poetica programme at Open Book Festival this September. Open Book Poetry Slam showcases poetry in performance and this year, the focus...

Lover + Another Poetry Challenge

What is Drama For Life? Drama for Life is an international academic, research and training program, founded in 2008 by Warren Nebe. Based at Wits University, Drama for Life offers postgraduate training in Applied Drama, Drama in Education and the...

poetry seen: events this weekend (3 Aug)

[tabs tab1="event 1" tab2="event 2" tab3="event 3"] Cup O' Thought Poets, lovers of poetry and all things lyrical under the matters of the heart, mind and soul... There is a poetry 'n slam session celebrating women on the first Saturday of...