Little Light by Soul’O Rocks

[tabby title="Poem"] Little light,don't dim your soul to the world;Don't care who did it first or worse;This life won't give itself your worth;Don't bleed yourself in hurt;Little light,don't give your heart to the worldAnd don't care who did it first...

Mushrooms in Mint or, On love (xlv) by Salimah Valiani

            — in celebration of Myesha Jenkins (1948-2020)                  at the occasion of National Women’s Month 2023 two and a half years onyou still bring us togetherTuesday poets Whatsapp groupyou created for Myesha’s Memoirspodcasting our poetry and jazzto celebrate...

Mite Nature by Jasper Corvidstine

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Like dew to a mite,the truth of the world is absorbedthrough tiny sipswandering on the leaf to other pools of knowledge. Maybe it was this knowledge that kept it full,maybe it was mine that was sorely lacking....

Lioness by Aaishah Mayet

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The August starsAre glorious globesAdornments of darknessIn glimmering robes Alongside eleven famed chaptersOdes in successionTo the passing of timeConstellation reading of vivid imagination You do not scare mePretty bright thingsMapping the heavensIn the same galactic glory that...

The story of men and wars by NoLIFE

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The earth coughedspewing ...bits of blood and boneswallowed without chewing. She had been forcedonto a diet of skeletons and bullets.The sun tried to dry her wounds,and when it left she was nursedby the moon. When the earth...