Model Village by Stephen Kingsnorth

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Check out Eyam’s story - type it in,the global village sharing rank;a plague on all our houses, homes,our wellbeing no better dressed.Our greeting now olecranon,a process of hail fellow joint,though also place to catch the cough -as...

If Unsaid – where unheard prayers go Stephen Kingsnorth

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Below the tree canopy spread,green lichens climb where no soles tread,forgotten carvings honour dead,late passed on from board, bread and bed,still watching souls, cleared sunlight fed,yet gods remain, wait prayers unsaid. Unheard, because no god-ward wordsuttered by...

Collars – The proletariat’s song by Stephen Kingsnorth

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I used to starch white collars,burnt breast if know the brand,though that of distant ages -just as when neck was tag. I understand the theory -the bright wrung blue round neck,but I note for different skill sets,they...

Stab by Stephen Kingsnorth

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] My class mates, having flown the nest,each nurtured as their type,a brood once nestled underneathtransfused with feathered milk. There are a few cuckoos,transplanted other sets,orphaned, unwanted, given up,ruff moniker round neck. Some born myth of kingfishers,from rafts...