Christchurch 15/03/18 by Sumaiya Vawda

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I sawa livestream go upappearing to be Fortnitewith more tactile graphics I sawan elderly figurea nod of welcome-'Salaam brother' Then I sawa small boy,his shining face resting in the arms of his fatherPeace A glass screenprotects my...

Habitat by Sumaiya Vawda

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Shattered headlights lead you into your cage of leaves, while I search for my space through the trees; amongst the glittering constellations [tabby title="Poet Bio"] Sumaiya Vawda is an 18-year-old student at the University of the Witwatersrand....

A Dress of Strength by Sumaiya Vawda

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] A bee struck a hole in my finest dress leaving an inept millennial woman with a household mess. My flesh is the fabric; you stole the song of my seams and minced my dreams Now I have...

Unbroken by Sumaiya Vawda

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I let the clouds collide; crashing in silence Shards float down to become a kitten’s toy I don’t clog the bleeding of the children of Syria, my body is not an oasis to suffice Yemen I shall...

New Year by Sumaiya Vawda

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The air is mustier today for it is mourning the loss of your stay. You were my every day and of your return, there’s been no say. Carefully, you began to untangle yourself from me mimicking the...