Waitin on a storm by SunSword

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] A Poem A Day writing prompt: All things beginning. All things ending. All things beginning All things ending with you here I squander my days My nights are wasted searching Needing your bliss to rain down [tabby...

A Better World by Sun Sword

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] A Poem a Day writing prompt ...and the children Each day, a new chance bring a smile, make it better And bless the children [tabby title="Poet Bio"]A nerd sharing his words. [tabbyending]

Even on Tuesday by Sun Sword

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] A Poem A Day writing prompt: even on Tuesday... My day is filled with the images Of enjoying your every square inch How ravenous I get for you Anxious for some Hump Day passion My skin tingles...

Naked Passion by Sun Sword

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] A Poem A Day writing prompt: to bare all inferno within feral desires call out revealing, exposes unadulterated me stripped down by your sweet rapture [tabby title="Poet Bio"]Nerd at heart sharing with the world. Figured I would...

Poem of the Day: Gorgeous Dessert by Sun Sword

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] A Poem A Day writing prompt: The beauty of things My sweet, juicy, tasty treat An image of you warms my body The taste of you dances on my palette Vivid colors fill my horizon with your presence...