[tabby title="Poem"] From my AngelsA message comesNeatly packagedIn mystical forms,Signs and wondersTo form,A matrix of encodedMessages From my angelsA message comesInfused with divinityAnd in disbeliefI question my sanity AnxiousPerplexedAnd yetDelightedBy persistenceAnd randomnessOf angelic numbersAnd their coded messageI search and searchFor...
[tabby title="Poem"] In Dreams,BeamsOf hopeAppearAnd fearsIntermittentlyDisappear.In dreams,GlimmersOf hopeDisappear.Rain of tearsSimmerAnd a rainbowOf fearsAppears. We curseWe laughWe approveAnd in dreams,We disapprove! SingingLovingMatingHatingMurderingAnd swimmingOn deep seasOf happinessAnd in shallowMuddy placesOf sorrowsAre all granted,A Courtesy ofOur wandering thoughts,And allThanks to our dreams Today...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The sagesof these agesfail to sailto the futureAnd in vainthey failto see whatthe future holdsfor usthey have becomeOf frail sixth senseand in essence,so lacklustrein their craftthus;it might seem,we float directionlessin the raftwithout noticingwe are motionlesson thin icefloating...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Unscrupulous acts and schemesSeem unstoppable in the RepublicWhite lies and rands,It seems;Flagrantly fly aroundAnd with chance granted,They all disappear like a fartIn a Bishop’s ropes-Not to be seen by the naked eyesOf the people. Is the state...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] From this music,musings run wild.With otium granted,Music pleasures find.In vast conurbations of our landThis music connectsand landsIn migrants and vagrants’ earsWhose souls are fedand fragrant deeds accedeTo a mendnot of government interventionsBut that of a harmattan of...