The Ceaseless Good Fight by Julia A Masi PhD

[tabby title="Poem"] They've grown tiredcarrying the weightof the crossfor disenfranchisedfighting the battles offaceless,namelessmillions they'll never meetto win the fightagainst social injusticeA fight that will transmuteover the generationsspanning the globeThey're growing tiredof keep an ear to the groundwaiting for the rumblingsof...

The Heavy Heart of Sacrifice by Julia A Masi PhD

[tabby title="Poem"] The heavy heart of sacrificewafting through the airlike incense at benedictionon our Good Fridaysrooted in the traditionof gratitude and worshipcalling us to assembleacross the spiritual deserts ofof despairseeking Divine presence The heavy heart of sacrificeunites us in a...

Perpetuating The Myth by Julia A Masi PhD

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Without warningThe Hippocratic Oathtransformed intoThe oath of the hypocritesPerpetuating the myth of a better living through psychotropics UnannouncedCharlatansInvaded our shoresWith drone strikes of misinformationMagic curespharmaceutical fairy tales Without warningStorm clouds rained the virusof depressionDespair spreads with every...

Meditation on Psalm 139 by Julia A Masi PhD

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Buried deep in the Biblea Psalm for thetwisted and gnarleda Psalmfor those looked uponfearfullywith persecuting glanceswonderfully made thetwisted and gnarledsmile rebelliouslyin the face of strong limbedpretty privilegefearlessly believinga Psalmfor those seeking the equitystruggling with acceptancea chance to...

The Book Of Dreams by Julia A Masi PhD

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] He built his legacyon the Bowerywhen New York Citywas dangerousand optimistically bankruptwith integrity and visionhe assembled his quirky,intellectually gifted tribelifting us up from the depthof boredom and mediocrityteaching us to listento the music of new ideasand follow...