Our World Is Watching by Celia Turner

[tabby title="Poem"] Sun lights up a new daysecure in planetary way. Night cool lingers, fingersof cool steal in open windows. Trees are breathing throughtheir lungs of leaves. Thereis no shade like a tree’s. In the city building’s canyonsteem with chorus...

YKK by Celia Turner

[tabby title="Poem"] Nod to Yoshida Kōgyō Kabushikigaisha My zipper speaks to me,promises security,tough teeth,quick relief, Six inches of slow,rasp, rasp,as you go,godspeed gasp you kick kill,young knead knee,yankee king key,yield kid knife. [tabby title="Poet Bio"] [tabbyending]

Storm by Celia Turner

[tabby title="Poem"] Smoky thunderhead’s anvilrisen to broker lightning.I sit rapt, night blind, waitingfor forked crescendoto illuminate delicateedges of clouds.All around horizonrumble presagescommunicationof sky with sky,earth, eau d’ ozone,each one enoughto power the gridbut we can’t capturethis mad parade of power....

Toast by Celia Turner

[tabby title="Poem"] Isn’t it just the damned truththat when you startpointing fingersat othersyou mightjust as welllook in a mirrorpoint that same finger there. [tabby title="Poet Bio"] Celia Turner is a Loveland published poet in Northern Colorado Writers and Columbine Poets...

Don’t We All Drown In Indoctrination? by Celia Turner

[tabby title="Poem"] Sweet flesh we are born with, malleable, small sponges. Little elephants tethered to a stake, when we grow, we forget we can just pull free with our adult size and strength, our must. Like a fish we erupt...