A Poem A Day writing prompt 7 July 2017

1 rule: SUBMIT YOUR BEST WORK   ''At the flick of a knife night plunges sharply on the tender flank of Soweto'' from the poem Night Knife in Growing up with Poetry by Barolong Seboni . use the form below to...

We’re Sponsoring Prizes for Lover + Another Poetry Challenge

Poetry Potion is pleased to announce that it will be sponsoring prizes for the 2013 Lover + Another Poetry Challenge. This year’s challenge explores issues of gender roles, love and sexuality with the theme "Man.Woman.Any[Queer]ies?” . This year, the winner of...

Poetry Is Not a Luxury: Launching at Poetry Africa

2013 has been an exciting year for Poetry Potion. We set out to publish quarterly journals with themes that writers must pick apart, interpret and produce something amazing thereafter. The first print quarterly, themed On Being Human, was launched at...

Sale Souls by Hazel Hotny

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] writing prompt... there are too many people,and too few human beings Last seen, Scene caused in the city center. Cents dance on the concrete , Singing to their throwing for his drawing, My reciting. Cents I said!!!...

Poetry Potion 5th Anniversary print version Now Available

Look what we just received! The print ( and the ebook versions) is available at The BLM Store at R50