FOLIXA by Xe M. Sánchez

[tabby title="Poem (Asturian)"] Nun te fai falta más:el sol puxando al alborecerescontra la escuridáde la nueche,cellebrando’l nuevu día(como tú,que tas equí pa velu).El restu,tou ye secundariu. [tabby title="Party (English)"] You don’t need anything else:the sun pushing at dawnagainst the darknessof...


[tabby title="Poet Bio"] For you,a poem is perhapsonly a poem.But if you have ever readsome anthropology books,you will realisethat it is also a rite of passage,a trip to the other side,a trip to the lights and shadowsof a magic worldwhich...

El focicu real / The True Face by Xe M. Sánchez

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] You still do not understandthat all kinds of artare abstract art.Abstraction is the boundarythat separates the artfrom what we call reality,despite sometimesI only find the true faceof that realityin art. [tabby title="ASTURIAN"] Entá nun pescanciesque toles tribes...

Nun ye silenciu / It is not silence by Xe M. Sánchez

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Dellos tarrecen el silenciu(l’únicu país nel mundiuau tou ye verdá).El silenciu ye un espeyup’aconceyar con nós mesmos.El silenciu nun ye silenciu,porque inclusu si tas en silenciuenxamás dexarás d’oyerlos tos propios camientos.Dellos tarrecen el silenciuporque nun conocenel meyor...

Yo deprendí / I learned by Xe M. Sánchez

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] YO DEPRENDÍ Ye abondu namái un canciupa remembrarun pasáu máxicu. Ye abondu namái un canciupa remembrarla maxa nun escenariu. Sicasí, yo deprendíque tamién fai faltasaber cuándu baxasedel escenariu(pa caltener esa maxana nuesa memoriaanantes de que dexede ser...