[tabby title="Poem"] The Children of Gaza are heroes in front of the world,Helpless and ignored, starved to death but hopeful. Enveloped in mass brutality and unbridled cruelty. Their *grandparents*, mothers and fathers have been killed. The Children of Gaza, so...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] There once was a manwhose life before we met,I know nothing of.I like to believeour meeting changed himboyish vigour, matured to manly valour This man dreamed a dreamthe dream of luscious green vegetablesbig bouncy bullheadsbright, noisy and...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] my dearest babara today i sawkids without slipperssons who leavesons who leftgirls withdaughters with daughtersfathers without kinmothers who singi saw headmasters that cryshy prostitutesand reverends with shopsshops without windowsbabies asking me "how to let go""How do we...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The Anguished onehe is to be found every morningat the traffic stopthe robot’s red to green colour paceholds his daily fatethe discolour of his skinsmell of his breatha testimonyto the faint memory of his last bath The...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Sometimes it's there sometimes it's notSometimes l imagine l imagined it,A figment of my own imaginationAn image born from the depths of a housewives boredom.Ooh don't think little of me,See l used to be someone,A bright-eyed girl...