Thank you

zamantungwa | August 1st, 2007 | editorial | No Comments

Let me start this by thanking all of you who sent positive messages and also told me what you thought of the website. I hope that you will always keep it real and let your voice be. Of course, the contributors are the real stars of this thing, they are truly loved and more of their work will be seen in these pages.

This month Poetry Potion profiles Perpetual Eziefule-Emenkwum, a Nigerian poet and has a Q&A session with elder Mafika Gwala. There’s more poetry from Botsotso Jesters member Allan Kolsi Horwitz and seTswana poetry from Tshego Monaisa. Check out where Poetry was Seen (Poetry Seen & Visual Poetry), there are some nice reviews on events and an EP by Quaz.

August is Women’s month – the most important day this month for all South Afrikans is the 9th. 51 years ago our mothers had had enough of holding it down in the home with their voices not heard. Women had always been part of the struggle against apartheid but were seen less than the men were. So 20 000 women marched the streets of Tshwane (then known as Pretoria) chanting “wathinta abafazi wathinta imbhokodo” (you strike women you strike a rock). They were not going to be pushed around any more…

See tributes to three phenomenal women of different times and places – Mbuya Nehanda, Sara Baartman.

Send in your comments, your writing (poetry – think pieces) they are always appreciated.

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