The day the sun hid its eyes,
The moon grew taller,
The stars were not sparkling,
The day the earth was without winds,
The hour when all creation sang as a unity,
Where preys were never frightened by their predators,
I saw the hands of the sun cuddling my father,
I saw trees waving goodbye to a dead prostitute,
I saw and heard poets reciting poems to a young girl who grew maturely before her birthright,
The day when the sun hid its face, I saw naked jeans.
The day the winds smelled like pine,
Where fish bounced on the jolted waves of the sea,
Where stones sang a beautiful hymn to a widow who brewed food from dustbins of rich neighbours,
I saw and heard babies praising God for being close to rich neighbours who deposits extra remains of their spoilt food for them to soften hunger pains.
That day when day was without light,
That day where the soils smelled like rain,
That day when broken glasses generated thousands instrument
The day the wind smelled like ice cream
I went to heaven on a beautiful cloud
That day was the day I died.
Mukelwa musa simelane is a Swazi born poet, currently navigating his poetry calling in south Africa. He is mostly known by his pseudonym name “mumu d poet” he is. Versatile poet, he writes therapeutic poems. His work is amazing. Through his art he had been surviving. He grew up from the streets as a street kid, that’s where he discovered his talent and love for poetry. Many people are amazed by his ability to weave words with wisdom, his poems are so captive.