The Delivery Man by Kabelo Mashishi

Kabelo Mashishi | August 3rd, 2012 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

I deliver
Not from evil
I will lead you to the streets
We shall sing, clap and dance
Until we run out of stamina
Until our voice are stolen
And we shall lay the blame unto someone
Maybe I will build you houses
Increase the social grants and make you happy
And as I publicly undress..
So will I the nation address
Let’s forget about the country’s state
O Yea!!
And I will take the media’s power
Only I should posses that power
What do they know about freedom?
The freedom figure is in my speeches
It’s in the way I walk and talk…
And I deliver,
The millions and millions to my families
And rightly so, when I eat so should they
I solemnly swear that I will deliver
Sincerely yours, The press..see-dent

Poet Bio

Kabelo Mashishi is a 28 year old Male from Maboloka, North west. He started writing poetry in 2000. He basically writes about anything and everything that inspires him and events that are happening around our world.

poetrypotion.2012.04Available ini print from Book Lover’s Market, The Book Lounge (Cape Town), Adams (Durban) and our sales man in Durban Menzi Maseko

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