The fire dance by Nthabi

Nthabi | January 12th, 2022 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Drawn by the rhythm between us
I am engulfed by passion
to move closer to you
as we dance.
Like a fire that cannot be contained
We stoke flames that beg to be quelled
Even as the heat beckons

And in the far distance
I can almost hear
the quiet caution of my heart.

Or is that an invitation?

Burn, baby burn.

Poet Bio

Nthabiseng is a South-African born writer at heart who currently lends her (digital) pen to a financial institution. She loves to share nuggets of her work in random spaces – be it a poem for a friend, a scribble in one of many notebooks, or an introspective essay when the moment calls for one. The jury is still out on that book that will not write itself.

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