The lavender plant was (maybe) from Eden,
With mellow scent to please my smell,
Following the nose like a beacon,
Despite the folks who untimely fell.
With mellow scent to please my smell,
This ancient organ gave a survival clue,
Despite the folks who untimely fell,
Otherwise, the flower never grew.
The ancient organ gave a survival clue,
More flowers from the small seeds,
Otherwise, the flowers never grew,
This beauty feeds the aesthetic needs.
More flowers from the small seeds,
Expanding to fill all the land,
Such beauty fills the soul’s needs,
Insuring that the new space is grand.
Expanding to fill all the land,
The new garden will not my effort weaken,
The work was, after all, so grand,
And, the lavender plant was from Eden.
Francis Conlon is a retired and recovering teacher. For the past 20 years, he has worked as a seasonal river ranger and boat inspector at Yampa River State Park in northwest Colorado. He has published in the local Valley Voice and in Westward Quarterly. He currently lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.