The Little Girl In You by Nomsa Motale

Nomsa Motale | May 26th, 2016 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

The little girl inside of you
Wants to thank you
For your patience

The little girl inside of you
Wants to thank you
For fighting invisible warfare’s
With your heart
For seeing the good in those who have stuck a dagger into your spirit
For loving those who took your kindness for granted and stamped on it with a broken sole

The little girl inside of you
Wants to thank you
For waking up in the morning and rising to the occasion of making sure you stay alive

The little girl inside of you
Wants you to know that
Your insecurities are blocking you from accepting the greatness that grows within you

She wants you to forgive yourself
To not rush the steps of success
For everything will fall into place at the time when the creator knows you’ll be ready

The little girl inside of you
Wants you to know that you don’t have to shed weight
Or change yourself to receive love from this sordid world

She loves you just the way you are
For no-one has curls in their roots like yours
No-one wears a smile like a crown the way you do
No-one shimmers with beauty from your skin tone to the tip of your toe the way you do
No-one wears you the way YOU do

The little girl inside of you
Wants you to know that you are worth the love you drip into yourself everyday
You’re worth the happiness you rub onto your soul
You’re worth every good thing that has been created
That even the bad can’t tame you
For you are a lion

Roaring and soaring about every challenge
Landing onto cracked floors
Turning your wounds into stories
You carry on your back
So when you arch your back
You release weapons of destruction
Upon everything that has tried to leave you bare

So heal

Poet Bio

Nomsa Motale is a blogger, fashion lover and writer. She studied Journalism and Media Studies. She spends most of her time writing, visiting art galleries, cooking or baking and spending time with her cat.

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