The Love Potion

zamantungwa | March 4th, 2014 | current issue, editorial | No Comments

let me take a sip
drink just a little
enough to quench this
something caught in my throat

just a little taste to
parch this dry patch
soothe this aching scratch
with that nectar

but there is nothing

no roses red or blue violets

no comparing me to a summer’s day

it’s winter here

but perhaps
just a sip of that potion
will melt these iced emotions
bring back that summer’s day

yes, yes, just a little drink will do

Love poems, poetry about love. Love for country, lover, friend, family, self, life, nature, freedom, truth… and so much more. Are all the things I hope this edition explores.

This edition’s Poet Muse is Mbulelo Mzamane, a storyteller, academic and poet who recently passed away.

The Poet Profiled is Raven, American-born spoken word artist who is based in Ireland. Met this powerful poet at the 2013 Poetry Africa. Enjoyed speaking to him, hearing his poetry and partying with him and all those talented crazy poets who were at Poetry Africa last year.

Tumelo Khoza, co-founder of the Cup o’ Thought poetry sessions in Durban spoke to Menzi Maseko in the Q&A section about her poetry and what inspires her.

And what would Poetry Potion be without poetry? These poets – Charl Landsberg, Motena Tintswalo Cathrine Mathe, Mapitsane, Ravona, Ekerete Umoetok, Jeannie Wallace McKeown, Ashraf Booley, Menzi Maseko, Abdulmugheeth Petersen, Moses Kilolo, Amreen B. Shaikh and Mercy Dhliwayo – are love.

As Poetry Potion continues to grow, we’re now offering subscriptions, to make sure you get this quarterly poetry journal in your mail box, subscribe and help us grow.


founder, editor



The-Love-Potion-cover-300-2this article was
published in the
print quarterly number five,
The Love Potion.

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Book Lover’s Market
and at Smashwords.

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