Penicillin state expense by day
At night the currency of the prison economy
Spread sheets make shift 5-star hotel
Distasteful cacophony seeping through the pinhole
Pining down hope
On the sun rays that hardly
Caress my skin adequately
Midnight screams below fluorescent light
Metal screech on cement
A hue of rotten smell
You will still not understand
Will you
Men’s dry tears
Less subtle everyday
We wait for the hours to hide
The horrors of the night.
33 years old university dropout, been writing for the last 10 years, writing mostly to vent off, sometimes to find myself, rarely got published. I’m working in a petrochemical industry as a process controller, hate my job with a passion. At some stage in my life, I was performing in poetry sessions, at the Vaal tech, twice at Newtown, more in Zamdela, Sasolburg. Now I just watch and enjoy myself, immensely.