The Snail and the Rudder by Adele Lokker

Adele Lokker | September 1st, 2019 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Most people will often talk
Of those that from dictators die;
But where the blade of death doth walk
We turn from the dead trees sigh.

What makes the worth of one differ
From this shape to another;
When the snail and the river
Are the like boat and its rudder?

Poet Bio

A tentative creative that hopes to hail as a published poet in the days to come. South African from the uterus to our current date. Durban will always be my first hat rack upon which I rest my heart
A lower-middle class working class hero, working the salt mine, suckling the teat of the Industrial Machine.

Who we are is in constant flux, but she likes to consider herself lamentably human.

Seeing the woeful destruction of her home on this glorious earth has driven this particular poet to attempt to bridge the gap, and connect the minds of others to our shaking grounds of reality.

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