three poems by Yoshira Marbel

Poetry Potion | September 25th, 2014 | current issue, poetry | No Comments

[tabs tab1=”On the other side” tab2=”The Rocking Chair” tab3=”Different Kind of Love” tab4=”Poet Bio”]

On the other side

On the other side
The ethereal chords
Of the Nile flows
Alongside an opus
Of Himalayan snow
Persian roses braid
The scandalous streets
[restrict]Unlocking the mysteries
To life’s obsolete
In the emerald fields
My fears resigned
Into a new world
On the other side.

Poet Bio

The Rocking Chair

The wind is like a flute
Humming a cappella
Across the superfluous moorlands

My silver tresses
Imbibe the salted air
I sway –
In my rickety rocking chair

The years have clenched its fists
But I remain
Like a praying mantis

No man lay claim to this heart
It reverently pumps my blood
Not wail for a fickle love
Or wallow when he departs

I have no children
I cling to self preservation
So here I am
Secluded from the cities sway
Awaiting the end of my days

Different Kind of Love

With their hands entwined
Frills of fake
Crease the extrinsic

An avant-garde affair
No bourgeoisie dinners
Or simple flowers

A raindrop in his bell jar
After all they do share
A different kind of love

He is her messiah
A bulwark against scavengers
After all they do share
A different kind of love

But when the curtains close
The vodka bottle disposed
Their liquid oasis
Becomes a barren desert
Her crystal frame now
A canvas for his
Iron punches

Embalmed by their
Different kind of love
She accepts each blow
As if it were a kiss
[tab id=4]Yoshira is 30 years old and comes from Durban, South Africa. She has been published in several magazines and journals including Botsotso Literary Journal, Decanto Magazine, New Asian Writing and Nomads Poetry Choir Journal. Yoshira is also the winner of the 2013 Ama Books Freedom Poetry Competition.


this article was published in our print quarterly number seven, Words.

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