Ulysses by Charl Landsberg

Charl Landsberg | February 8th, 2017 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Kiss me, mortal man.
For all your love of men,
kiss me yet again.
How I have strayed you.
How I have slayed you.
Forget your home,
stay here a while.
What honey I have is yours,
on my silver isle,
what feasts.
Pray at my flesh,
with the birds and the beasts.
Make a temple of my bed,
and rest.
Walk down the paths I led,
crook your head into my arms,
and kiss me again.
Forget you home,
and be mine.
For the love of my selfishness.
How I long that you never return.
With my bitter heart resisting,
and tomorrow comes, insisting:
knocking on the doors of Ogygia.
That I should let go,
and let you find your happy beginnings.
I was foolish to hope for more.
You were a fleeting sailor,
and I am to start anew,
alone again.
My fault, I know.
Homer was cruel to write of me.

Poet Bio

Charl Landsberg is a South African writer, poet, musician, artist, and academic who’s work focusses on issues of LGBTQIA contexts, social justice, and occasionally science fiction and fantasy.

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