Waiting For Santa by Rishan Singh

Rishan Singh | November 14th, 2013 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

I waited for Santa
like any ordinary kid during Christmas,
and though I had never seen him
or heard from him,
I still ran to hug our Christmas tree.

The children played
and we hugged mummy and daddy,
sometimes circling everyone,
just to make our home joyous
and full of love and festivity.

I waited for Santa
and I also wish if Santa;
that someone does exist
who read my letters for him
at the North Pole.

The Christmas lights flicker –
on and off we’d play with the switch
around the fire
and unlit Halloween lanterns.
We were warm and fed on roasted marshmallows.

I saw Santa at the shopping mall;
he handed out candy sticks
and I have that photo of us
without the wrapped presents
dismantled from the homecoming Christmas tree.

We know the secrets of Santa
in some people’s home,
and yet the Christmas candles still
flicker on wine-cakes and baked pies
to hinder the truth from our children,
who we tell to wait for Santa.


Born in Durban, Rishan Singh holds qualifications from the Universities of KwaZulu-Natal and Cambridge, UK. After writing for over a decade, his writing, to date, appears in national, international and broadway publications. His poetry has also been exhibited at the Empire State Building and has been noted by government officials from different sectors. His early achievements include by one short story being proficiently anthologised (close to a decade ago) in a collection of writing by South African writers in London, by the celebrated company Lightening Source UK Ltd. He is a recipient of a poetry prize of the Indian Government.

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