Walmer my creator, Walmer my predator by Nomfusi Pearly Msizi

Nomfusi Pearly Msizi | March 24th, 2016 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Walmer my creator
Walmer my predator
Walmer the place to be
A place where me and thee
Shall walk free
A place with no pain
But everyone aims to gain

Walmer my creator
Walmer my predator
Walmer, a place rich
In precious history
Which was fillied with
Hatred and misery
A place in which
Our forefathers died
A place in which
We shall not hide

Walmer my creator
Walmer my predator
A place where we unite
To make everything right
A place where we are
Groomed, grown and nurtured
As we are part of nature
A place where we
Mourn together
Where we sing and
Dance together
A place we all call home
Walmer my creator
Walmer my predator

Poet Bio

Nomfusi Msizi is a first time poet. Who always had a thing for pen and paper. Who is inspired by her daily life, on how people live in the ghetto, of how they interact with one another. Being exposed in the heart of a township and the living standards of staying in a shack, with no clean sanitation and no proper infrastructure, gives inspiration to this young poet.

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