Was in jozi but never been to jozi by Lil_rams

Lil_rams | June 2nd, 2016 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | 1 Comment

Poet Bio

Never a sweet Sunday
Nor a lazy Monday
All days remained shady and a huge bore

Just like a wren in a cage
All I do is peep on a window
Gazing from sunrise to sunset
Like a prisoner I remained
As much as I envied this city I got to despise it

All those amazing thoughts
All those imaginations
Always dreamed of jozi to be a hive aside a milky way
A detrimental place

Well maybe it is
Just didn’t have a chance to see
And no ways I would reject or attest to that
Spent a lot of my days stuck a house
Around Jozi

All I can say is
“I was in jozi but never been to jozi”

Poet Bio

Lil_rams is a 19 year old poet whom started poetry at an early age in the dusty rural areas of Limpopo (monsterlus). she matriculated in 2015 but she is currently not in school due to lack of funds… she love poetry too much though she can’t find a platform to share her poetic skills as well as her poem’s.

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1 thought on “Was in jozi but never been to jozi by Lil_rams”

  1. Lil Rams

    I read your poems you done a great job. I Really enjoyed it. Well done

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