What I do not have
is a pitch white collar.
What I do not have
is one more spare dollar.
What I do not have
is an online degree.
What I do not have
is the right pedigree.
What I like to play
is e4 c5.
And I do not leave
before you arrive.
And I do not have
a pied-à-terre in the city.
What for sure I’m not
is the Chair of a Committee.
What I do not wear
is the hat of the Beefeater.
And I don’t appoint
myself as the leader.
What I do not have
is the tone of the commander.
Though I’m alright Jack,
don’t pull up the ladder.
What I do not have
is the right chromosome.
What I do not do
is to work from home.
What I do not have
is my age of sixteen,
but still refuse to say
“we have to be seen”.
And I do not hold
a Chair of Diversity
secondly affiliated
at King X University.
What I do not get
is why it is so relative.
And I do not get
a job from the executives,
since I do not have
a cable television
making me fit
in with their vision.
What I do not have
is a diverging lens
to see the universe
with my lobbyist friends.
What I do not have
is the wish to muddle
and the brash intent
of being a role model.
Places I can’t indulge
are the sick, the abusive,
since they do pretend
to be nicely inclusive.
What I do find boring
are the flocks and herds
bleatingly repeating
the same voguish buzzwords.
What I do not drink
is whiskey on the rocks
and I don’t do things
just to tick a box.
What I do not have
is patience to listen
to squalid parasites
who play to game the system.
What I always do
is paying my bills upfront,
‘cause what I do not have
is what I do not want.
Not relevant.