Will You Let Him In? by Nomsa Motale

Nomsa Motale | June 8th, 2016 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | 1 Comment

Poet Bio

Torn ligaments
Bruised habits
Phalanges broken
Struggling to write

Mind fighting against ghosts
Sleeping yet not resting
Wrestling with emotions
Wake up
Lie down
Do it again and again
Until your mind has taught itself that life consists of routines

When was the last time you lived?
Vivid images painted in your head
Fighting to escape from this nine to five life
Are you doing what you love
Or are you living to survive

Has plans to prosper you
To elevate you from ordinary to extraordinary
Wants to give you peace that surpasses humanly understanding
Wants to fill your spirit
So that you don’t chase worldly things to feel complete
Will not break your heart
But fix it and mend it from all the sordidness of this earth
Every bad thing in your life
He wants to turn into Good
Without expecting anything from you
Knows your darkest secret yet loved you from birth
Takes your sin and turns it into a story of victory
Cause whatever he touches turns into
Will you let him in?
Will you allow your heart to flow with all things magical

It was never a warfare against you
The war is not even about you
Can’t you see that if you were
Placed in the warfare
Surely you’ll get out?
Every battle was shed on the cross
Understand that His love is eternal
Nothing you say or do
Can stop Him from loving you
Perfectly created in His image
Therefore you’re a reflection of creativity

Will you let Him in?

Poet Bio

Nomsa Motale is a writer who enjoys blogging, photography and art. Currently she manages her blog titled Jasmine Incense. She’s also a fashion lover and a cat mother.

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