Wounds by Bhekumuzi Kubheka

Bhekumuzi Kubheka | January 18th, 2016 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Love wounds,
it hurts at first.
then it gets num.
the heart bleeds.
the mind says its owk.
then you forget.

death wounds,
it hurts at first.
then it gets num.
the picture stays clear.
they problem is that youll never see or hear from the dead

cut wounds
it hurts at first
then you bleed
then you screem as loud as you can
then after some time its start to heal

mixed wounds
they all hurt at first
they are all deep
in this world we live in death comes unexpected
love quit too soon
knife cuts too deep

wounds leave us painfull no wound ever cracked a joke

Poet Bio

Bhekumuzi Kubheka is a poet & author from durban who has recently published an antology called poetry movement

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