You Turned on Us
In another time,
You embraced us,
Or so we thought,
When you sang
praises of us
And told all
Who cared to hear,
We were one
Born of a womb
Siblings from beginning
Here we are,
There is,
Nothing left
between us
Only memories
skulking in the corridors
Of our mind.
Makhanda Senzangakhona is the nome de guerre and pen name for Paul Oupa Serekele Ramachela. The author has retained the use of both names because he does not wish to be lost to his comrades nor become an alien to his family, and relations. Previously published poems, short stories and other narratives have appeared in the following publications, amongst others, Staff Rider, Rixaka, Mayibuye, Mrabulo and Black Letter Media-Poetrypotion.
The author has served in various roles in and outside SA; until recently he was a senior public servant.